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The task was to construct a pavilion on the MPavilion Queen Victoria Garden site using Rhinoceros' Grasshopper plugin. "Lignum" means timber in Latin. This is my first full Grasshopper-modelled project; none of the modelling processes were done on Rhinoceros.



Grasshopper modelling processes are displayed on the right-hand side of the page. 

Click on the images of the script for a detailed breakdown.



Software utilised:

- Grasshopper = pavilion modelling

- Unreal Engine 4 = rendering and VR (virtual-reality)

- Adobe Illustrator = graphic details

- Adobe inDesign = pin-up sheet layout



Project start: 17th April 2018

Project end: 24th May 2018



All individually done by Geraldo Lewa.



Move points and connect them using Merge and Interpolate to form a curve.


List of Grasshopper components used:

- Point (base point)

- Number Slider (height of the curve)

- Number Slider (length of the curve)

- Multiplication

- Division

- Move

- Negative

- Unit X

- Unit Y

- Unit Z

- Merge

- Interpolate

- Curve (output)






List of Grasshopper components used:

- Point (attractor point)

- Curve (input from Curve script)

- Number Slider (curve quality)

- Number Slider (rotation intensity)

- Number Slider (rotation of the top area of the surface)

- Number Slider (rotation of the bottom area of the surface)

- Number Slider (length or height of extrusion)

- Divide Curve

- XY Plane

- Distance

- Bounds

- Construct Domain


- Deconstruct Plane

- Remap Numbers

- Multiplication

- Rotate 3D

- Curve Closest Point

- Sort List

- Negative

- Line SDL

- Join Curves

- Loft

- Move

- Unit Z

- Brep (surface)

Rotate planes in accordance to an attractor point, form lines from the planes, loft the lines, and move the surface upwards in the Z-direction.


Form solid elements of the Lignum Pavilion, which consist of: waffle studs, seats, stage, bracing, and glazing.


- Polyline

- List Item

- Flip Curve

- Discontinuity

- Plane 3Pt

- Offset

- Negative

- Fillet

- Line

- Boundary Surface

- Extrude

- Solid Union

- Brep (waffle studs)

Extract parts of the twisted surface, contour the surface fragments, extract the end points, form the waffle polylines, offset the waffle polylines inward, fillet the inner waffle polylines, form boundary surfaces from the offset waffle polyline, and extrude the waffle surfaces in both sides to form solid waffle studs.





List of Grasshopper components used:

- Number Slider (distance between waffle studs)

- Number Slider (waffle depth)

- Number Slider (waffle thickness)

- Construct Domain^2

- Isotrim

- Contour

- Unit X

- End Points

- Move to Plane

- Merge




- Division

- List Length

- Range

- Graph Mapper

- Multiplication

- Bounds

- Panel

- Interpolate

- Line

- Join Curves

- Fillet

- Boundary Surfaces

- Unit Z

- Extrude

- Offset

- Flip Curve

- Divide Length

- Curve | Curve

- Panda's Splits as List

- List Item

- Brep (larger seating platform)

- Brep (smaller seating platform)





List of Grasshopper components used:

- Number Slider (seating platform roundness)

- Number Slider (depth of seating platform)

- Construct Domain^2

- Isotrim

- Contour

- Unit X

- End Points

- Move to Plane




Extract a part of the twisted surface, contour the surface fragment, extract the end points, move the points inwards by half the waffle depth, move the points inward using a Graph Mapper to form the seat depth, generate a bounding curve of the larger seating platform, solidify the larger seating platform, move the inner curve upwards, offset the elevated inner curve outwards, generate a bounding curve of the smaller seating platform, and solidify the smaller seating platform.


Extract a part of the twisted surface, contour the surface fragment, extract the end points, move the points inwards by half the waffle depth, move the points inward using a Graph Mapper to form the stage depth, generate a bounding curve of the stage, solidify the stage, move the outer curve upwards, offset the elevated outer curve inwards, generate a bounding curve of the bracing, and solidify the bracing.





List of Grasshopper components used:

- Number Slider (stage platform roundness)

- Construct Domain^2

- Isotrim

- Contour

- Unit X

- End Points

- Move to Plane

- Division



- Negative

- Unit Y

- Move

- Division

- List Length

- Range

- Graph Mapper

- Multiplication

- Bounds

- Panel

- Interpolate

- Line

- Join Curves

- Fillet

- Boundary Surfaces

- Unit Z

- Extrude

- Addition

- Merge

- Brep (stage platform)

- Brep (bracing)






List of Grasshopper components used:

- Number Slider (glazing thickness)

- Construct Domain^2

- Isotrim

- Contour

- Unit X

- End Points

- Line

- Point on Curve

- Evaluate Curve

- Construct Plane

- Offset

- Negative

- Move

- Deconstruct

- Sort List

- Loft

- Unit Y

- Extrude

- Brep (front-side glaze)

- Brep (back-side glaze)

Extract parts of the twisted surface, contour the surface fragments, extract the end points, form the middle line of the glazing's flat areas (areas where it rests on the waffle studs), move the middle lines to the left and right, sort the moved lines, loft the lines, and extrude the lofted surfaces to add thickness to the glazing.

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